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Art History App for
Tate Modern

The Tate Modern art history app is a platform where art lovers and enthusiasts from all walks of life, can learn more about the history behind the current and future exhibits on at Tate Modern.

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The Problem

Text-heavy applications are complex and don't allow users to find information easily when navigating around. Users not fluent in English need a way to find and read information on current exhibits they want to visit.

The Goal

Design an art history app that is easy to use and allows users to get the information they need about exhibits at Tate Modern.

Digital prototype

Hi-Fi prototype

Considering accessibility


Increasing font size

By increasing the font size I can adhere to accessibility font size guidelines.


Motion in design

Thinking critically about about the effect speed and motion during gestures. By keeping animations under five seconds.


 Make navigation easier 

By following WCAG guidelines for legible colour contrast and icons to help make navigating easier.

What I learned... 

“I found it to be straightforward and I like that the information was readily available, on the main page and I didn’t need to go to multiple pages, to get to the main information, which was nice.”

User testimonial


The app allows users to feel confident in navigating around and finding the information they need.


What I learned

While designing the app, I learned the initial stages of the process are important in identifying, so you keep in mind what the customer wants and needs throughout the process. This was where I learned the importance of usability studies and peer feedback in helping to improve and iterate on the designs.

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